Monday, 12 October 2020

Lets Have a Catch Up - Where I've Been

I've been pretty quiet for the past couple of months and it is just mainly down to my mental health and things going on in my life. I have been struggling and there has been times that have been pretty dark. But, it's ok to not be ok and go through rough patches here and there, even though I feel like the whole of 2020 has been one massive rough patch.

I finally went back to work in August, can you believe that I had a whole FIVE months off!? The first couple of months I was off work were great, but then things got boring and I was itching to get back. It was weird being back, doing the same things but so different.

Liam and I headed to London for what would've been our wedding day and we had the best time! We got a train down that morning and opened our cards and gifts on the train. We stayed in a gorgeous hotel in Tower Bridge who were kind enough to upgrade our room so we had a beautiful view of London. We had booked the London Eye, so we headed there after dropping off our bags at the hotel and just had a chilled afternoon walking around London. Then, we went to The Shard in the evening for dinner. It was so lovely, however I feel like Liam and I didn't really fit in. It was very posh haha. We booked our table for around 7pm which was when the sun was about to set so we saw the most stunning view of London during the day and in the evening. It was just beautiful.

We are trying to buy a house. At the moment, it's difficult for first time buyers and it doesn't help that I have been part furloughed at work too. But, we are really trying our best and have everything crossed that we will be able to do it.

What's happening with the wedding? I'm not too sure myself. The numbers went back down to 15 from 30 and to be honest, I don't have much hope for a bigger wedding by June. Liam and I need to decide what's best for us but at the moment, we're not too sure ourselves. We don't know whether to bring the wedding forward and just go ahead with an intimate wedding or to just postpone again until 2022/2023. The thing is, we would like to be in our own home once we're married, so I think it'll all depend on what happens in the next few months or so regarding the house situation.

Lastly, I am back on Slimming World. I have properly been on it for about a month now and I'm not gonna lie, I've had a couple of weeks where I just gave up. It's hard for me to eat clean when my mental health is low but I'll get there. I'm determined to get my body back to how I want it.

I hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourselves.
